================ changes of 'libwlroots.so.3.4.1'=============== Functions changes summary: 5 Removed, 15 Changed (325 filtered out), 7 Added functions Variables changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 0 Added variable 5 Removed functions: 'function const char* _wlr_strip_path(const char*)' {_wlr_strip_path} 'function wlr_gamma_control_manager* wlr_gamma_control_manager_create(wl_display*)' {wlr_gamma_control_manager_create} 'function void wlr_gamma_control_manager_destroy(wlr_gamma_control_manager*)' {wlr_gamma_control_manager_destroy} 'function wlr_screenshooter* wlr_screenshooter_create(wl_display*)' {wlr_screenshooter_create} 'function void wlr_screenshooter_destroy(wlr_screenshooter*)' {wlr_screenshooter_destroy} 7 Added functions: 'function bool wlr_buffer_get_dmabuf(wlr_buffer*, wlr_dmabuf_attributes*)' {wlr_buffer_get_dmabuf} 'function bool wlr_dmabuf_attributes_copy(wlr_dmabuf_attributes*, wlr_dmabuf_attributes*)' {wlr_dmabuf_attributes_copy} 'function bool wlr_drm_format_set_has(const wlr_drm_format_set*, uint32_t, uint64_t)' {wlr_drm_format_set_has} 'function bool wlr_output_attach_buffer(wlr_output*, wlr_buffer*)' {wlr_output_attach_buffer} 'function void wlr_output_lock_attach_render(wlr_output*, bool)' {wlr_output_lock_attach_render} 'function uint32_t wlr_seat_client_next_serial(wlr_seat_client*)' {wlr_seat_client_next_serial} 'function bool wlr_seat_client_validate_event_serial(wlr_seat_client*, uint32_t)' {wlr_seat_client_validate_event_serial} 15 functions with some indirect sub-type change: [C]'function void wlr_cursor_absolute_to_layout_coords(wlr_cursor*, wlr_input_device*, double, double, double*, double*)' at wlr_cursor.c:289:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 1 of type 'wlr_cursor*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_cursor' at wlr_cursor.h:31:1: type size hasn't changed 1 data member change: type of 'wlr_cursor_state* wlr_cursor::state' changed: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_cursor_state' at wlr_cursor.c:53:1: type size hasn't changed 1 data member changes (1 filtered): type of 'wlr_output* wlr_cursor_state::mapped_output' changed: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_output' at wlr_output.h:84:1: type size changed from 4480 to 4672 (in bits) 1 data member insertion: 'int wlr_output::attach_render_locks', at offset 4096 (in bits) at wlr_output.h:139:1 10 data member changes: type of 'wlr_output_mode* wlr_output::current_mode' changed: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_output_mode' at wlr_output.h:20:1: type size changed from 320 to 256 (in bits) 1 data member deletion: 'uint32_t wlr_output_mode::flags', at offset 0 (in bits) at wlr_output.h:20:1 5 data member changes: 'int32_t wlr_output_mode::width' offset changed from 32 to 0 (in bits) (by -32 bits) 'int32_t wlr_output_mode::height' offset changed from 64 to 32 (in bits) (by -32 bits) 'int32_t wlr_output_mode::refresh' offset changed from 96 to 64 (in bits) (by -32 bits) 'bool wlr_output_mode::preferred' offset changed from 128 to 96 (in bits) (by -32 bits) 'wl_list wlr_output_mode::link' offset changed from 192 to 128 (in bits) (by -64 bits) type of 'wlr_output_state wlr_output::pending' changed: type size changed from 256 to 384 (in bits) 2 data member insertions: 'wlr_output_state_buffer_type wlr_output_state::buffer_type', at offset 256 (in bits) at wlr_output.h:67:1 'wlr_buffer* wlr_output_state::buffer', at offset 320 (in bits) at wlr_output.h:68:1 'struct {wl_signal frame; wl_signal needs_frame; wl_signal precommit; wl_signal commit; wl_signal present; wl_signal enable; wl_signal mode; wl_signal scale; wl_signal transform; wl_signal destroy;} wlr_output::events' offset changed from 2560 to 2688 (in bits) (by +128 bits) 'wl_event_source* wlr_output::idle_frame' offset changed from 3840 to 3968 (in bits) (by +128 bits) 'wl_event_source* wlr_output::idle_done' offset changed from 3904 to 4032 (in bits) (by +128 bits) 'wl_list wlr_output::cursors' offset changed from 3968 to 4160 (in bits) (by +192 bits) 'wlr_output_cursor* wlr_output::hardware_cursor' offset changed from 4096 to 4288 (in bits) (by +192 bits) 'int wlr_output::software_cursor_locks' offset changed from 4160 to 4352 (in bits) (by +192 bits) 'wl_listener wlr_output::display_destroy' offset changed from 4224 to 4416 (in bits) (by +192 bits) 'void* wlr_output::data' offset changed from 4416 to 4608 (in bits) (by +192 bits) parameter 2 of type 'wlr_input_device*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_input_device' at wlr_input_device.h:36:1: type size hasn't changed 1 data member change: [C]'function void wlr_data_control_device_v1_destroy(wlr_data_control_device_v1*)' at wlr_data_control_v1.c:531:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 1 of type 'wlr_data_control_device_v1*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_data_control_device_v1' at wlr_data_control_v1.h:28:1: type size hasn't changed 1 data member changes (3 filtered): type of 'wlr_seat* wlr_data_control_device_v1::seat' changed: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_seat' at wlr_seat.h:209:1: type size changed from 6400 to 6976 (in bits) 6 data member changes (4 filtered): type of 'wlr_drag* wlr_seat::drag' changed: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_drag' at wlr_data_device.h:116:1: type size hasn't changed 2 data member changes (6 filtered): type of 'wlr_seat_keyboard_grab wlr_drag::keyboard_grab' changed: type size hasn't changed 1 data member changes (1 filtered): type of 'const wlr_keyboard_grab_interface* wlr_seat_keyboard_grab::interface' changed: in pointed to type 'const wlr_keyboard_grab_interface': in unqualified underlying type 'struct wlr_keyboard_grab_interface' at wlr_seat.h:93:1: type size hasn't changed 1 data member changes (3 filtered): type of 'void (wlr_seat_keyboard_grab*)* wlr_keyboard_grab_interface::cancel' changed: in pointed to type 'function type void (wlr_seat_keyboard_grab*)': parameter 1 of type 'wlr_seat_keyboard_grab*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_seat_keyboard_grab' at wlr_seat.h:134:1: type size hasn't changed 1 data member changes (1 filtered): type of 'wlr_seat* wlr_seat_keyboard_grab::seat' changed: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_seat' at wlr_seat.h:209:1: type size changed from 6400 to 6976 (in bits) 7 data member changes (2 filtered): type of 'wlr_seat_pointer_state wlr_seat::pointer_state' changed: type size changed from 896 to 1472 (in bits) 1 data member insertion: 'uint32_t wlr_seat_pointer_state::buttons[16]', at offset 448 (in bits) at wlr_seat.h:161:1 6 data member changes (5 filtered): type of 'uint32_t wlr_seat_pointer_state::button_count' changed: typedef name changed from uint32_t to size_t at stddef.h:209:1 underlying type 'typedef __uint32_t' at types.h:42:1 changed: entity changed from 'typedef __uint32_t' to compatible type 'unsigned long int' type name changed from 'unsigned int' to 'unsigned long int' type size changed from 32 to 64 (in bits) and offset changed from 448 to 960 (in bits) (by +512 bits) 'uint32_t wlr_seat_pointer_state::grab_button' offset changed from 480 to 1024 (in bits) (by +544 bits) 'uint32_t wlr_seat_pointer_state::grab_serial' offset changed from 512 to 1056 (in bits) (by +544 bits) 'uint32_t wlr_seat_pointer_state::grab_time' offset changed from 544 to 1088 (in bits) (by +544 bits) 'wl_listener wlr_seat_pointer_state::surface_destroy' offset changed from 576 to 1152 (in bits) (by +576 bits) 'struct {wl_signal focus_change;} wlr_seat_pointer_state::events' offset changed from 768 to 1344 (in bits) (by +576 bits) type of 'wlr_seat_keyboard_state wlr_seat::keyboard_state' changed: type size hasn't changed 1 data member changes (4 filtered): type of 'wlr_seat_client* wlr_seat_keyboard_state::focused_client' changed: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_seat_client' at wlr_seat.h:35:1: type size changed from 1024 to 9280 (in bits) 1 data member insertion: 'wlr_serial_ringset wlr_seat_client::serials', at offset 1024 (in bits) at wlr_seat.h:53:1 no data member change (1 filtered); and offset changed from 2112 to 2688 (in bits) (by +576 bits) 'wlr_seat_touch_state wlr_seat::touch_state' offset changed from 3392 to 3968 (in bits) (by +576 bits) 'wl_listener wlr_seat::selection_source_destroy' offset changed from 3968 to 4544 (in bits) (by +576 bits) 'wl_listener wlr_seat::primary_selection_source_destroy' offset changed from 4160 to 4736 (in bits) (by +576 bits) 'wl_listener wlr_seat::drag_source_destroy' offset changed from 4352 to 4928 (in bits) (by +576 bits) 'struct {wl_signal pointer_grab_begin; wl_signal pointer_grab_end; wl_signal keyboard_grab_begin; wl_signal keyboard_grab_end; wl_signal touch_grab_begin; wl_signal touch_grab_end; wl_signal request_set_cursor; wl_signal request_set_selection; wl_signal set_selection; wl_signal request_set_primary_selection; wl_signal set_primary_selection; wl_signal request_start_drag; wl_signal start_drag; wl_signal destroy;} wlr_seat::events' offset changed from 4544 to 5120 (in bits) (by +576 bits) type of 'wlr_seat_client* wlr_drag::focus_client' changed: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_seat_client' at wlr_seat.h:35:1: type size changed from 1024 to 9280 (in bits) 1 data member insertion: 'wlr_serial_ringset wlr_seat_client::serials', at offset 1024 (in bits) at wlr_seat.h:53:1 no data member change (1 filtered); type of 'wlr_seat_pointer_state wlr_seat::pointer_state' changed: type size changed from 896 to 1472 (in bits) 1 data member insertion: 'uint32_t wlr_seat_pointer_state::buttons[16]', at offset 448 (in bits) at wlr_seat.h:161:1 no data member changes (11 filtered); 'wlr_seat_keyboard_state wlr_seat::keyboard_state' offset changed from 2112 to 2688 (in bits) (by +576 bits) 'wlr_seat_touch_state wlr_seat::touch_state' offset changed from 3392 to 3968 (in bits) (by +576 bits) 'wl_listener wlr_seat::display_destroy' offset changed from 3776 to 4352 (in bits) (by +576 bits) 'void* wlr_seat::data' offset changed from 6336 to 6912 (in bits) (by +576 bits) [C]'function bool wlr_drm_connector_add_mode(wlr_output*, const drmModeModeInfo*)' at drm.c:618:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 1 of type 'wlr_output*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_output' at wlr_output.h:84:1: type size changed from 4480 to 4672 (in bits) 1 data member insertion: 'int wlr_output::attach_render_locks', at offset 4096 (in bits) at wlr_output.h:139:1 2 data member changes (8 filtered): type of 'wlr_output_state wlr_output::pending' changed: type size changed from 256 to 384 (in bits) 2 data member insertions: 'wlr_output_state_buffer_type wlr_output_state::buffer_type', at offset 256 (in bits) at wlr_output.h:67:1 'wlr_buffer* wlr_output_state::buffer', at offset 320 (in bits) at wlr_output.h:68:1 'wlr_output_cursor* wlr_output::hardware_cursor' offset changed from 4096 to 4288 (in bits) (by +192 bits) [C]'function void wlr_layer_surface_v1_close(wlr_layer_surface_v1*)' at wlr_layer_shell_v1.c:272:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 1 of type 'wlr_layer_surface_v1*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_layer_surface_v1' at wlr_layer_shell_v1.h:65:1: type size changed from 2880 to 2752 (in bits) 1 data member deletion: 'wl_event_source* wlr_layer_surface_v1::configure_idle', at offset 704 (in bits) at wlr_layer_shell_v1.h:78:1 9 data member changes (3 filtered): 'uint32_t wlr_layer_surface_v1::configure_next_serial' offset changed from 768 to 672 (in bits) (by -96 bits) 'wl_list wlr_layer_surface_v1::configure_list' offset changed from 832 to 704 (in bits) (by -128 bits) 'wlr_layer_surface_v1_configure* wlr_layer_surface_v1::acked_configure' offset changed from 960 to 832 (in bits) (by -128 bits) 'wlr_layer_surface_v1_state wlr_layer_surface_v1::client_pending' offset changed from 1024 to 896 (in bits) (by -128 bits) 'wlr_layer_surface_v1_state wlr_layer_surface_v1::server_pending' offset changed from 1376 to 1248 (in bits) (by -128 bits) 'wlr_layer_surface_v1_state wlr_layer_surface_v1::current' offset changed from 1728 to 1600 (in bits) (by -128 bits) 'wl_listener wlr_layer_surface_v1::surface_destroy' offset changed from 2112 to 1984 (in bits) (by -128 bits) 'struct {wl_signal destroy; wl_signal map; wl_signal unmap; wl_signal new_popup;} wlr_layer_surface_v1::events' offset changed from 2304 to 2176 (in bits) (by -128 bits) 'void* wlr_layer_surface_v1::data' offset changed from 2816 to 2688 (in bits) (by -128 bits) [C]'function wlr_output* wlr_noop_add_output(wlr_backend*)' at output.c:50:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: return type changed: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_output' at wlr_output.h:84:1: type size changed from 4480 to 4672 (in bits) 1 data member insertion: 'int wlr_output::attach_render_locks', at offset 4096 (in bits) at wlr_output.h:139:1 1 data member changes (9 filtered): 'wlr_output_cursor* wlr_output::hardware_cursor' offset changed from 4096 to 4288 (in bits) (by +192 bits) [C]'function void wlr_presentation_send_surface_presented(wlr_presentation*, wlr_surface*, wlr_presentation_event*)' at wlr_presentation_time.c:212:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 3 of type 'wlr_presentation_event*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_presentation_event' at wlr_presentation_time.h:41:1: type size hasn't changed 1 data member change: type of 'wlr_output* wlr_presentation_event::output' changed: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_output' at wlr_output.h:84:1: type size changed from 4480 to 4672 (in bits) 1 data member insertion: 'int wlr_output::attach_render_locks', at offset 4096 (in bits) at wlr_output.h:139:1 1 data member changes (9 filtered): 'wlr_output_cursor* wlr_output::hardware_cursor' offset changed from 4096 to 4288 (in bits) (by +192 bits) [C]'function wlr_rdp_input_device* wlr_rdp_keyboard_create(wlr_rdp_backend*, rdpSettings*)' at keyboard.c:156:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 1 of type 'wlr_rdp_backend*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_rdp_backend' at rdp.h:68:1: type size hasn't changed 1 data member change: type of 'freerdp_listener* wlr_rdp_backend::listener' changed: in pointed to type 'typedef freerdp_listener' at listener.h:23:1: underlying type 'struct rdp_freerdp_listener' at listener.h:43:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 1 data member changes (1 filtered): type of 'psPeerAccepted rdp_freerdp_listener::PeerAccepted' changed: underlying type 'typedef BOOL (freerdp_listener*, freerdp_peer*)*' changed: in pointed to type 'function type typedef BOOL (freerdp_listener*, freerdp_peer*)': parameter 2 of type 'freerdp_peer*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'typedef freerdp_peer' at freerdp.h:36:1: underlying type 'struct rdp_freerdp_peer' at peer.h:82:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 1 data member changes (32 filtered): type of 'psPeerContextFree rdp_freerdp_peer::ContextFree' changed: underlying type 'void (freerdp_peer*, rdpContext*)*' changed: in pointed to type 'function type void (freerdp_peer*, rdpContext*)': parameter 2 of type 'rdpContext*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'typedef rdpContext' at freerdp.h:35:1: underlying type 'struct rdp_context' at freerdp.h:210:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 1 data member changes (8 filtered): type of 'freerdp* rdp_context::instance' changed: in pointed to type 'typedef freerdp' at freerdp.h:34:1: underlying type 'struct rdp_freerdp' at freerdp.h:291:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 2 data member changes (20 filtered): type of 'RDP_CLIENT_ENTRY_POINTS* rdp_freerdp::pClientEntryPoints' changed: in pointed to type 'typedef RDP_CLIENT_ENTRY_POINTS' at freerdp.h:40:1: underlying type 'typedef RDP_CLIENT_ENTRY_POINTS_V1' at freerdp.h:39:1 changed: underlying type 'struct rdp_client_entry_points_v1' at client.h:43:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 1 data member changes (4 filtered): type of 'rdpSettings* rdp_client_entry_points_v1::settings' changed: in pointed to type 'typedef rdpSettings' at settings.h:1549:1: underlying type 'struct rdp_settings' at settings.h:887:1 changed: type size hasn't changed 3 data member insertions: 'BOOL rdp_settings::PromptForCredentials', at offset 82112 (in bits) at settings.h:1136:1 'char* rdp_settings::RemoteApplicationWorkingDir', at offset 136192 (in bits) at settings.h:1275:1 'char* rdp_settings::RDP2TCPArgs', at offset 332096 (in bits) at settings.h:1525:1 3 data member changes: type of 'UINT64 rdp_settings::padding1344[61]' changed: type name changed from 'UINT64[61]' to 'UINT64[60]' array type size changed from 3904 to 3840 array type subrange 1 changed length from 61 to 60 and offset changed from 82112 to 82176 (in bits) (by +64 bits) type of 'UINT64 rdp_settings::padding2176[48]' changed: type name changed from 'UINT64[48]' to 'UINT64[47]' array type size changed from 3072 to 3008 array type subrange 1 changed length from 48 to 47 and offset changed from 136192 to 136256 (in bits) (by +64 bits) type of 'UINT64 rdp_settings::padding5312[123]' changed: type name changed from 'UINT64[123]' to 'UINT64[122]' array type size changed from 7872 to 7808 array type subrange 1 changed length from 123 to 122 and offset changed from 332096 to 332160 (in bits) (by +64 bits) type of 'rdpUpdate* rdp_freerdp::update' changed: in pointed to type 'typedef rdpUpdate' at update.h:23:1: underlying type 'struct rdp_update' at update.h:199:1 changed: type size changed from 4608 to 4672 (in bits) 1 data member insertion: 'BOOL rdp_update::autoCalculateBitmapData', at offset 4608 (in bits) at update.h:260:1 no data member changes (26 filtered); [C]'function wlr_rdp_output* wlr_rdp_output_create(wlr_rdp_backend*, wlr_rdp_peer_context*, unsigned int, unsigned int)' at output.c:254:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 2 of type 'wlr_rdp_peer_context*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_rdp_peer_context' at rdp.h:49:1: type size hasn't changed 1 data member changes (5 filtered): type of 'wlr_rdp_output* wlr_rdp_peer_context::output' changed: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_rdp_output' at rdp.h:24:1: type size changed from 4864 to 5056 (in bits) 7 data member changes: 'wlr_rdp_backend* wlr_rdp_output::backend' offset changed from 4480 to 4672 (in bits) (by +192 bits) 'wlr_rdp_peer_context* wlr_rdp_output::context' offset changed from 4544 to 4736 (in bits) (by +192 bits) 'void* wlr_rdp_output::egl_surface' offset changed from 4608 to 4800 (in bits) (by +192 bits) 'pixman_image_t* wlr_rdp_output::shadow_surface' offset changed from 4672 to 4864 (in bits) (by +192 bits) 'wl_event_source* wlr_rdp_output::frame_timer' offset changed from 4736 to 4928 (in bits) (by +192 bits) 'int wlr_rdp_output::frame_delay' offset changed from 4800 to 4992 (in bits) (by +192 bits) [C]'function wlr_rdp_input_device* wlr_rdp_pointer_create(wlr_rdp_backend*, wlr_rdp_peer_context*)' at pointer.c:15:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 2 of type 'wlr_rdp_peer_context*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_rdp_peer_context' at rdp.h:49:1: type size hasn't changed 1 data member changes (5 filtered): type of 'wlr_rdp_output* wlr_rdp_peer_context::output' changed: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_rdp_output' at rdp.h:24:1: type size changed from 4864 to 5056 (in bits) 3 data member changes (4 filtered): type of 'wlr_output wlr_rdp_output::wlr_output' changed: type size changed from 4480 to 4672 (in bits) 1 data member insertion: 'int wlr_output::attach_render_locks', at offset 4096 (in bits) at wlr_output.h:139:1 1 data member changes (9 filtered): 'wlr_output_cursor* wlr_output::hardware_cursor' offset changed from 4096 to 4288 (in bits) (by +192 bits) 'wlr_rdp_backend* wlr_rdp_output::backend' offset changed from 4480 to 4672 (in bits) (by +192 bits) 'wlr_rdp_peer_context* wlr_rdp_output::context' offset changed from 4544 to 4736 (in bits) (by +192 bits) [C]'function void wlr_seat_request_set_primary_selection(wlr_seat*, wlr_primary_selection_source*, uint32_t)' at wlr_primary_selection.c:44:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 1 of type 'wlr_seat*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_seat' at wlr_seat.h:209:1: type size changed from 6400 to 6976 (in bits) 4 data member changes (5 filtered): type of 'wlr_seat_pointer_state wlr_seat::pointer_state' changed: type size changed from 896 to 1472 (in bits) 1 data member insertion: 'uint32_t wlr_seat_pointer_state::buttons[16]', at offset 448 (in bits) at wlr_seat.h:161:1 no data member changes (11 filtered); 'wlr_seat_keyboard_state wlr_seat::keyboard_state' offset changed from 2112 to 2688 (in bits) (by +576 bits) 'wl_listener wlr_seat::display_destroy' offset changed from 3776 to 4352 (in bits) (by +576 bits) 'void* wlr_seat::data' offset changed from 6336 to 6912 (in bits) (by +576 bits) parameter 2 of type 'wlr_primary_selection_source*' changed: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_primary_selection_source' at wlr_seat.h:35:1: type name changed from 'wlr_primary_selection_source' to 'wlr_seat_client' type size changed from 448 to 9280 (in bits) 6 data member insertions: 'wl_list wlr_seat_client::link', at offset 128 (in bits) at wlr_seat.h:38:1 'wl_list wlr_seat_client::keyboards', at offset 512 (in bits) at wlr_seat.h:43:1 'wl_list wlr_seat_client::touches', at offset 640 (in bits) at wlr_seat.h:44:1 'wl_list wlr_seat_client::data_devices', at offset 768 (in bits) at wlr_seat.h:45:1 'struct {wl_signal destroy;} wlr_seat_client::events', at offset 896 (in bits) at wlr_seat.h:49:1 'wlr_serial_ringset wlr_seat_client::serials', at offset 1024 (in bits) at wlr_seat.h:53:1 4 data member changes: type of 'const wlr_primary_selection_source_impl* wlr_primary_selection_source::impl' changed: in pointed to type 'const wlr_primary_selection_source_impl': entity changed from 'const wlr_primary_selection_source_impl' to 'struct wl_client' type size changed from 128 to 0 (in bits) and name of 'wlr_primary_selection_source::impl' changed to 'wlr_seat_client::client' at wlr_seat.h:36:1 type of 'wl_array wlr_primary_selection_source::mime_types' changed: entity changed from 'struct wl_array' to 'wlr_seat*' type size changed from 192 to 64 (in bits) and name of 'wlr_primary_selection_source::mime_types' changed to 'wlr_seat_client::seat' at wlr_seat.h:37:1 type of 'struct {wl_signal destroy;} wlr_primary_selection_source::events' changed: type name changed from '__anonymous_struct__' to 'wl_list' type size hasn't changed 1 data member insertion: 'wl_list* wl_list::next', at offset 64 (in bits) at wayland-util.h:292:1 1 data member change: type of 'wl_signal destroy' changed: entity changed from 'struct wl_signal' to 'wl_list*' type size changed from 128 to 64 (in bits) and name of '__anonymous_struct__::destroy' changed to 'wl_list::prev' at wayland-util.h:290:1 and name of 'wlr_primary_selection_source::events' changed to 'wlr_seat_client::resources' at wlr_seat.h:41:1 type of 'void* wlr_primary_selection_source::data' changed: entity changed from 'void*' to 'struct wl_list' at wayland-util.h:288:1 type size changed from 64 to 128 (in bits) and name of 'wlr_primary_selection_source::data' changed to 'wlr_seat_client::pointers' at wlr_seat.h:42:1 parameter 3 of type 'typedef uint32_t' changed: entity changed from 'typedef uint32_t' to 'wlr_primary_selection_source*' type size changed from 32 to 64 (in bits) parameter 4 of type 'typedef uint32_t' was added [C]'function void wlr_seat_request_set_selection(wlr_seat*, wlr_data_source*, uint32_t)' at wlr_data_device.c:144:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 2 of type 'wlr_data_source*' changed: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_data_source' at wlr_seat.h:35:1: type name changed from 'wlr_data_source' to 'wlr_seat_client' type size changed from 512 to 9280 (in bits) 3 data member deletions: 'bool wlr_data_source::accepted', at offset 288 (in bits) at wlr_data_device.h:81:1 'wl_data_device_manager_dnd_action wlr_data_source::current_dnd_action', at offset 320 (in bits) at wlr_data_device.h:84:1 'uint32_t wlr_data_source::compositor_action', at offset 352 (in bits) at wlr_data_device.h:85:1 6 data member insertions: 'wl_list wlr_seat_client::link', at offset 128 (in bits) at wlr_seat.h:38:1 'wl_list wlr_seat_client::keyboards', at offset 512 (in bits) at wlr_seat.h:43:1 'wl_list wlr_seat_client::touches', at offset 640 (in bits) at wlr_seat.h:44:1 'wl_list wlr_seat_client::data_devices', at offset 768 (in bits) at wlr_seat.h:45:1 'struct {wl_signal destroy;} wlr_seat_client::events', at offset 896 (in bits) at wlr_seat.h:49:1 'wlr_serial_ringset wlr_seat_client::serials', at offset 1024 (in bits) at wlr_seat.h:53:1 4 data member changes: type of 'const wlr_data_source_impl* wlr_data_source::impl' changed: in pointed to type 'const wlr_data_source_impl': entity changed from 'const wlr_data_source_impl' to 'struct wl_client' type size changed from 384 to 0 (in bits) and name of 'wlr_data_source::impl' changed to 'wlr_seat_client::client' at wlr_seat.h:36:1 type of 'wl_array wlr_data_source::mime_types' changed: entity changed from 'struct wl_array' to 'wlr_seat*' type size changed from 192 to 64 (in bits) and name of 'wlr_data_source::mime_types' changed to 'wlr_seat_client::seat' at wlr_seat.h:37:1 type of 'int32_t wlr_data_source::actions' changed: entity changed from 'typedef int32_t' to 'struct wl_list' at wayland-util.h:288:1 type size changed from 32 to 128 (in bits) and name of 'wlr_data_source::actions' changed to 'wlr_seat_client::resources' at wlr_seat.h:41:1 name of 'wlr_data_source::events' changed to 'wlr_seat_client::pointers' at wlr_seat.h:42:1 parameter 3 of type 'typedef uint32_t' changed: entity changed from 'typedef uint32_t' to 'wlr_data_source*' type size changed from 32 to 64 (in bits) parameter 4 of type 'typedef uint32_t' was added [C]'function void wlr_send_tablet_v2_tablet_pad_button(wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_pad*, size_t, uint32_t, zwp_tablet_pad_v2_button_state)' at wlr_tablet_v2_pad.c:472:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 1 of type 'wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_pad*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_pad' at wlr_tablet_v2.h:92:1: type size hasn't changed 1 data member changes (3 filtered): type of 'wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2* wlr_tablet_v2_tablet_pad::current_client' changed: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2' at wlr_tablet_v2.h:45:1: type size changed from 896 to 960 (in bits) 1 data member insertion: 'wlr_tablet_seat_client_v2* wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2::seat', at offset 448 (in bits) at wlr_tablet_v2.h:51:1 7 data member changes (2 filtered): 'size_t wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2::button_count' offset changed from 448 to 512 (in bits) (by +64 bits) 'size_t wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2::group_count' offset changed from 512 to 576 (in bits) (by +64 bits) 'wl_resource** wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2::groups' offset changed from 576 to 640 (in bits) (by +64 bits) 'size_t wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2::ring_count' offset changed from 640 to 704 (in bits) (by +64 bits) 'wl_resource** wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2::rings' offset changed from 704 to 768 (in bits) (by +64 bits) 'size_t wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2::strip_count' offset changed from 768 to 832 (in bits) (by +64 bits) 'wl_resource** wlr_tablet_pad_client_v2::strips' offset changed from 832 to 896 (in bits) (by +64 bits) [C]'function void wlr_surface_send_enter(wlr_surface*, wlr_output*)' at wlr_surface.c:1027:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 2 of type 'wlr_output*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_output' at wlr_output.h:84:1: type size changed from 4480 to 4672 (in bits) 1 data member insertion: 'int wlr_output::attach_render_locks', at offset 4096 (in bits) at wlr_output.h:139:1 1 data member changes (9 filtered): 'wlr_output_cursor* wlr_output::hardware_cursor' offset changed from 4096 to 4288 (in bits) (by +192 bits) [C]'function void wlr_touch_init(wlr_touch*, wlr_touch_impl*)' at wlr_touch.c:7:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 2 of type 'wlr_touch_impl*' changed: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_touch_impl': entity changed from 'struct wlr_touch_impl' to 'const wlr_touch_impl' type size hasn't changed [C]'function void wlr_xdg_popup_destroy(wlr_xdg_surface*)' at wlr_xdg_surface.c:534:1 has some indirect sub-type changes: parameter 1 of type 'wlr_xdg_surface*' has sub-type changes: in pointed to type 'struct wlr_xdg_surface' at wlr_xdg_shell.h:163:1: type size hasn't changed 1 data member changes (3 filtered): ================ end of changes of 'libwlroots.so.3.4.1'===============